DAPIN begins the development of its Compliance System


The criminal liability of companies was born in Spain under the influence of the European Community, in 2010, when this figure was first introduced in the Spanish Penal Code. In 2015 its legal status is consolidated and the implementation of crime prevention models is planned as a way to exempt or mitigate the criminal liability of companies.

The DESIGN AND PROJECTS INTERNATIONAL CA Management, aware of the convenience of defining and developing an internal management mechanism in accordance with the new demands of our context, has ordered the implementation of a Criminal Compliance Management System in order to carry out the work in accordance with the provisions of the System Procedures, and to assure clients and society in general compliance with the criminal legislation applicable to the organization.

Despite the fact that our activity does not present great risks, we understand that our international operation in the energy sector constitutes a factor that merits attention in this area to guarantee a safe activity for us, our clients, and other related actors, while taking proactive actions. in an increasingly demanding regulatory context at national and international level.

It is expected that in June 2020 the system will be fully implemented, to train our employees in this matter and spread the new corporate practices associated with this system.

To keep up to date with this and other news from our company, follow us on LinkedIn. If you want to know more about this news, write to us at: info@dapin.es

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