Criminal Compliance Policy

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Our Criminal Compliance Policy

The DESIGN AND PROJECTS INTERNATIONAL CA Management, aware of the convenience of defining and publishing its Criminal Compliance Policy, has ordered the implementation of a Criminal Compliance Management System in order to carry out its activities in accordance with the provisions of the Procedures of the System, and to assure clients and society in general compliance with the criminal legislation applicable to the organization and the requirements contained in the Criminal Compliance Management System.

  • In accordance with what is expressed in the Criminal Compliance Manual of DESIGN AND PROJECTS INTERNATIONAL C.A. the Company’s Criminal Compliance Policy establishes the obligation to:
  • Compliance with the criminal legislation applicable to the organization;
  • The strict surveillance of the possible commission of criminal acts;
  • The minimum exposure of the organization to criminal risks;
  • The establishment of an adequate framework for the definition, review and achievement of the criminal Compliance objectives;
  • The obligation to report suspicious facts or conduct related to criminal risks, guaranteeing that the informant will not suffer reprisals;
  • A commitment to the continuous improvement of the criminal Compliance management system;
  • The authority and independence of the criminal Compliance body;
  • The assumption of the consequences of not complying with the requirements of this policy, as well as those derived from the criminal Compliance management system, as defined in the System itself;

This policy will be applied to all activities in which the crimes that must be prevented may be committed:

Engineering services in the construction of energy facilities in oil, gas, combined cycles, generation and cogeneration.

Madrid, October 05, 2020

Nelson Oswaldo Pineda De León

Our Code of Ethics of Conduct

Within the implementation of the Criminal Compliance Management System, the DESIGN AND PROJECTS INTERNATIONAL CA Management has conceived a Code of Ethics that must govern the actions of all DAPIN, CA employees. The scope of action and application of the Code of Ethics may, in addition, to be extended to all those natural and / or legal persons related business or professionally with DAPIN, CA.

Complaints Channel

DESIGN AND PROJECTS INTERNATIONAL C.A, has implemented an effective reporting system, through which employees and third parties can communicate any information related to an alleged breach to the company’s Compliance Officer.

If necessary, people who make a complaint can do so anonymously, unless the law does not allow it.

Complaints can be made by writing to:

Compliance Officer of


Avda. De la Vega 1, Edf. 3, 2ª, 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid – Spain.

Or by email to the following address:
